brian de palma’s filmography ranked


I have two official ranked lists of Brian De Palma’s films. One is ranked in order of my personal preference, in other words, my favorite to my least favorite. This is that list.

top 25 - personal preference

1. Body Double

2. Carlito’s Way

3. Carrie

4. Blow Out

5. Femme Fatale

6. The Fury

7. Phantom of the Paradise

8. Bonfire of the Vanities

9. Raising Cain

10. Hi Mom!

11. Dressed to Kill

12. Mission Impossible

13. Sisters

14. Get to Know Your Rabbit

15. The Untouchables

16. Passion

17. Obsession

18. Wise Guys

19. Snake Eyes

20. Scarface

21. Domino

22. Black Dahlia

23. Casualties of War

24. Mission to Mars

25. Redacted